At the start of 2024, I launched a blog dedicated to me. Just me and my thoughts; whatever they are. It’s taking some time to get things the way I want them to be so please be patient as I “discover” what I like and don’t like about this blog setup, the colors, the fonts, the logo, and everything in between. I will make this post short, but I wanted to share my plans moving forward. I will be sharing topics such as wellness and everything that goes with it; both physical and mental. I will share a diary of sorts too. That will be random thoughts and anything else I want to share with the world or whoever decides to read this. I know that I enjoy doing my fair share of crafts and DIY projects so I will most likely post those as well. Lastly, I have my own business and would love to go through the process of becoming your own boss and all that is required to be an entrepreneur. Eventually…I’d like to start a podcast too!
Essentially whatever I decide to post, I will. If you enjoy it, great. If not, it’s ok. It might not be for everyone and I am perfectly ok with not being able to please the masses!
Until the next post.